Thursday, August 8, 2019

Some questions to answer Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Some questions to answer - Article Example More people need to read the Declaration Independence, Constitution, and law in the Capital. Maybe if lawmakers spent more time doing that instead of raising money for their campaigns, the U.S. would not have as many ignorant lawmakers as there is today. Granny D had to pay a ten dollar fine and was processed as a criminal. I think the system is being twisted by criminals calling themselves politicians and lawmakers. Assignment #2: Pretend that you hug three old persons without any reason and you told them that you love them. Explain your reaction and then explain their reactions It would depend on the three old persons. Some, with Alzheimer’s or feisty personalities, would probably curse or ask if I was crazy. Others would embrace me back and tell me they loved me too. The final group would not have a real reaction, but seemed confused. I would be uncomfortable, because I am not a hug type of person. My discomfort would probably be conveyed. Their reactions would depend on th eir personalities. Old people like young people and other ages all are unique individuals. Some are huggers, some are not. It would depend on the person’s personalities. Just like I am not a hugger, older people would react on their individual personalities. Assignment #3: You have to go to shake your hand with five persons from the Military and tell them "Thank you for your serving" without any reason.

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